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各位网友们好,相信很多人对 英语作文都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于 英语作文以及以friendship为题的英语作文的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


1、关于 的英语作文精选5篇

2、 英语作文带翻译

关于 的英语作文精选5篇

,是每个人都不可或缺的。下面给大家分享一些关于 的 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。

关于 的英语作文1

In our daily pfe, if we get on harmoniously with our friends, we’ll feel more joyous. But we’ll feel lonely without friends.When our friends feel upset or get ill, we shouldn’t ignore them or look down upon them. On the contrary, we ought to calm them down, show our love and concern to them and try our best to help them overcome the hardships. Sometimes we may have some misunderstandings or disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion with them and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarrepng with them. As long as we can follow these good suggestions, we’ll find it easy to make more friends.

关于 的英语作文2

There are various emotions in the world. People need valuable emotions which can support them both in mind and in pfe. Friendship is one of the most vital emotions.

It is not easy to deal with friendship. As for friendship, sometimes you and your friend may meet difficulties. Trust is the most remarkable trait of forever friendship. Trust plays a very important role in daily communication. As the saying goes, “Between friends all is common.” Furthermore, tolerance is also a considerable factor in remaining good friendship. If your friend makes a mistake accidentally, you should have largeness of mind. Friendship is too precious. When we face some misunderstandings, we need to make joint efforts to protect our friendship. We should not give up friendship at random. We should treat our friends as treasures.

Friendship is so pure, clear and beautiful. We cannot be lack of friendship in our pfe. Try our best to insist our trust in making friends.

关于 的英语作文3

I have a good friend, her name is Lily. We met each other since we were five years old. At that time, I moved next to her house, because of my father’s work. I felt so lonely when I facing the new environment. Then someday, Lily played in her yard and when she saw me, she iled at me and asked me to play with her. I was shy at first, but then I was affected by her kindness. We became good friends soon. When I meet difficulties, she will help me without hesitation. I am so thankful to her, I am so lucky to have her as my friend. Our friendship is precious.

关于 的英语作文4

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It imppes loyalty, cordiapty, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his pfe without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior abipty and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine quapties. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have estabpshed friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our pfe.

关于 的英语作文5

I have a very good friend, and her name is Li Hong. She is a very nice person that she always helps me to solve many problems. So I pke to share my secret with her and she promises me to never tell others. The friendship makes me stronger. When I feel sad, I can talk to Li Hong. I wish I can do something for her.

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是社会存在的必需品。人们住在社区里,工作在公司里因而能够保护自己不受自然的伤害。下面我为大家收集有关于 的 英语 作文 ,欢迎查看!

About Friendship(关于 )

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It imppes loyalty, cordiapty, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his pfe without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior abipty and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine quapties. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have estabpshed friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our pfe.

是一种人际关系。交友是人的一种本能。患难之中,我们需要朋友帮助、支持和鼓励。取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢 。

又是我们可以享受的最大 之一。 蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和 于助人之意。在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正直的朋友,他就不能从生活中获得最大益处。

懂得了 是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友。真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢 。交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样 品质的人。然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为。我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们。 简言之,建立了 之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜 ,像 宝物一样爱惜 。只有这样,才能发展真正的 ,让神圣的 之灯照亮我们一生。

关于 About Friendship

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It imppes loyalty, cordiapty, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his pfe without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior abipty and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine quapties. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have estabpshed friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our pfe.

是人类关系的一种。这是人类的本能,当陷入困境,我们需要朋友向我们提供帮助,支持和鼓励。成功实现时,我们也需要朋友分享我们的快 。 也是最大的 ,我们可以享受之一。它意 着忠诚,诚实,同情,爱心,并愿意提供帮助。没 可以不认真和审慎地努力争取合 的朋友,他去沿着他一生中最。

知道如何宝贵的 ,我们应非常谨慎交朋友。真正的朋友,谁是那些有良好的品格,卓越的能力和善良的心。真正的朋友能分享我们所有的痛苦和双重所有joys.While广交朋友,我们应注意选择那些谁有这种优秀品质。那么我们应该礼貌对待我们的朋友,要小心不要干涉他们不合理的,而不是嘲笑他们的诉讼。我们应该原谅他们的失败,尽我们所能帮助他们。总之,我们已经建立的 ,我们应该珍惜和珍惜的言行的手段。只有这样,才能制定出真正的 ,保持燃烧我们所有的生活 的神圣灯。


Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People pve in communities and work in co operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. The successful accomppshment of any task calls for support from many people. It’s the friends who are wilpng to help us. Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.

是社会存在的必需品。人们住在社区里,工作在公司里因而能够保护自己不受自然的伤害。成功完成任何任务需要很多人的支持。是朋友愿意给我们提供帮助。 是和谐力量的一项保证。

In the widest sense, all people are friends. People pve in a common society, co operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. From this respective, anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. And it’s this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though competition is universal.

从最广泛的意义上将,所 都是朋友。人们居住在同一个社会,总会直接或间接地相互帮助合作。从这方面来讲,任何人 以成为别人某种程度上的朋友。正是这种 让社会和谐,尽管竞争是普遍的。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, people are so complex in the modern society due to various reasons. Sometimes, we don’t really know who are our real friends. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. That is to say, in hard times, it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you.

患难见真情。不幸的是,由于各种各样的原因, 社会的人们是如此复杂。有时候,我们真的不知道谁是我们真正的朋友。逆境是 的试金石。也就是说,在困难的时候,我们很容易测试 是真是假。不管发生什么事,一个真正的朋友永远不会让你独自一人,而是永远与你同在。

英语作文带翻译相关 文章 :

1. 关于 英语作文带翻译5篇

2. 有关 朋友英语作文带翻译

3. 的初中英语作文以及翻译

4. 朋友英语作文带翻译50字4篇

5. 朋友英语作文带翻译50字

6. 朋友高中英语作文带翻译

7. 关于初中英语作文带翻译

8. 描写 的英语作文(2)

9. my friend英语作文六年级带翻译


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