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column什么意思(COLUMN 是什么意思)


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  • column什么意思
  • 数据库中的column是什么意思
  • column是什么意思

COLUMN 是什么意思

n.[C]1. 圆柱The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。2. 圆柱状物[(+of)]3. (报纸的)栏,段He always read the sports column in the Times.他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。4. (报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏5. (士兵的)纵队;小分遣队;(船舰,车辆等的)纵列[G]6. 【数】行(台湾),列(大陆)


column[5kRlEm]n.圆柱, 柱壮物, 专栏, 纵队columncol.umnAHD:[k¼l“…m] D.J.[6kKl*m]K.K.[6k$l*m]n.Abbr. col.,clm.(名词)缩写 col.,clm.Architecture A supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital.【建筑学】 支柱:含基座、柱头和柱身,起支撑作用的柱子Something resembling an architectural pillar in form or function:柱形物:在外形或功能上像建筑物支柱的物体:a column of mercury in a thermometer.气压计的水银柱Printing One of two or more vertical sections of typed lines lying side by side on a page and separated by a rule or a blank space.【印刷术】 栏:一列或两列垂直的印刷体,中间由空白处隔开A feature article that appears regularly in a publication, such as a newspaper.专栏文章:在一出版物,比如报纸上连续出现的特写文章A formation, as of troops or vehicles, in which all elements follow one behind the other.列:部队或车辆排列成的前后队型Botany A columnlike structure, especially one formed by the union of a stamen and the style in an orchid flower, or one formed by the united staminal filaments in flowers such as those of the hibiscus or mallow.【植物学】 蕊柱:一种柱形结构,尤指由兰花中雄蕊和雌蕊组成的结构,或指由木楼或欧锦葵属雄蕊联合构成的柱状结构Anatomy Any of various tubular or pillarlike supporting structures in the body, each generally having a single tissue origin and function:【解剖学】 柱状支撑结构:身体上类似柱或墩的起支持作用的结构,每种结构有单一组织来源及功能:the vertebral column.脊柱Middle English columne 中古英语 columne from Latin columna * see kel- 2源自 拉丁语 columna *参见 kel- 2col“umnedAHD:[k¼l“…md] (形容词)column/’kClEm; ’kalEm/ ---------- 1 ---------- tall pillar, usu round and made of stone, either supporting part of the roof of a building or standing alone as a monument 高柱; (通常为)石制圆柱, 支柱, 纪念柱: * The temple is supported by massive columns. 此庙由粗大的柱子支撑.* Nelson’s Column is a famous monument in London. 纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦着名的纪念碑. =》illus 见插图. ---------- 2 ---------- thing shaped like a column 圆柱形物: * a column of smoke, ie smoke rising straight up 烟柱(直上的烟)* the ,spinal `column, ie the backbone 脊柱(脊骨)* a column of mercury, ie in a thermometer 水银柱(温度计中). ---------- 3 ---------- (abbr 缩写 col) one of two or more vertical sections of printed material on a page (印刷品每页上的)列, 栏: * Each page of this dictionary has two columns of text. 本词典每页上有两列正文. ---------- 4 ---------- part of a newspaper regularly dealing with a particular subject or written by the same journalist (报纸的)专栏: * the `fashion, `motoring, fi`nancial, etc column 时装、 汽车、 财经等专栏* the correspondence columns of `The Times’ 《泰晤士报》上的通讯栏* I always read her column in the local paper. 我经常在当地报纸上看她的专栏文章. ---------- 5 ---------- (a) long line of vehicles, ships, etc following one behind the other 长列(排成长行的车辆、 船只等). (b) large group of soldiers, tanks, etc moving forward in short rows 纵队(短排前进的大队士兵、 坦克车等). ---------- 6 ---------- series of numbers arranged one under the other 纵行数字: * add up a long column of figures 把一串纵行数字相加. 派生: columnist/’kClEmnist; ’kalEmnist/ journalist who regularly writes an article commenting on politics, current events, etc for a newspaper or magazine 专栏作家: * a political columnist 政论专栏作家.





在写入新行字符后,但在写其他字符前,Column 等于 1。









  column 指纵向排列的柱状物,如爆炸形成的烟柱、词典中词条排列的一栏、报纸中的专栏、部队或车辆排列成的前后队型(纵队)、气压计的水银柱、图表中的列。  基于此,在机械(包括轮机)术语中应该指支撑作用的支柱或支架(含基座、柱身和柱头)


  COLUMN(reference)  Reference 为需要得到其列标的单元格或单元格区域。  如果省略 reference,则假定为是对函数 COLUMN 所在单元格的引用。  如果 reference 为一个单元格区域,并且函数 COLUMN 作为水平数组输入,则函数 COLUMN 将 reference 中的列标以水平数组的形式返回。  Reference 不能引用多个区域。289


n.[C]1. 圆柱The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。2. 圆柱状物[(+of)]3. (报纸的)栏,段He always read the sports column in the Times.他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。4. (报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏5. (士兵的)纵队;小分遣队;(船舰,车辆等的)纵列[G]6. 【数】行(台湾),列(大陆)


column是什么意思?就是列的意思!以下我以vfp中的窗体中的DBGrid组件为例,DBGrid组件对应的数据库中的一个表:(这是我商用软件《建筑机具结算与库存管理》中的一代码)with thisform.grdtemp.ColumnCount=7.RecordSourceType=1.RecordSource=thisform.dataenvironment.cursor2.alias.column1.width=50.column2.width=50.column3.width=114.column4.width=50.column5.width=100.column6.width=100.column7.width=100.column1.header1.caption=“序号“.column2.header1.caption=“类别“.column3.header1.caption=“材料代码“.column4.header1.caption=“单位“.column5.header1.caption=“日租金“.column6.header1.caption=“单件长度/面积“.column7.header1.caption=“维修单价“.column1.ControlSource=“temp.xh“.column2.ControlSource=“temp.lb“.column3.ControlSource=“temp.dm“.column4.ControlSource=“temp.dw“.column5.ControlSource=“temp.rzj“.column6.ControlSource=“temp.djmj“.column7.ControlSource=“temp.wxdj“endwith


columnKK: DJ: n.[C]1. 圆柱The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。2. 圆柱状物[(+of)]3. (报纸的)栏,段He always read the sports column in the Times.他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。4. (报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏5. (士兵的)纵队;小分遣队;(船舰,车辆等的)纵列[G]6. 【数】行(台湾),列(大陆)


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