
答Legend has it that this day is the day of the birth of Jesus. the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in the stable. Jesus redeemed the world and was crucified with blood. in order to commemorate all that Jesus had done to save the world, the world set December 25 as Christmas.
Legend has it that that day was the day of the birth of Christ. The Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus in the stable. Jesus was crucified with blood for redemption.
The world saved the world in memory of Jesus.
Therefore, the day he was born was December 25 as Christmas. Many years later, various Santa Claus images and Christmas tree shapes gradually appeared. For example, Christmas has become more popular all over the world, but for Christians, Christmas has given a sacred color different from ordinary people.
In Christianity, Christmas is the festival celebrating the Nativity of Jesus, the Christian belief that the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament's Messianic prophecies was born to the VirginMary.
Jesus' birth is a story. In it, He is believed to be born of the holy spirit, born to the virgin Mary. God sent a message to Joseph in a dream that he shouldn't worry because of Mary's unmarried pregnancy because the meaning of boy named "Jesus" was that he would rescue the people from sin.
When Mary was giving birth, the Roman government gave a command that all the people of Bethlehem must declare the people in their families. Joseph and Mary had to obey.
When they reached Bethlehem, it was already dark and they failed to find any accommodation except for a place where horses and other animals were resting. This was the place where Jesus would be born! Mary gave birth to Jesus in this manger. Later generations commemorate the birt
Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as a.d. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages.
Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse.
It is a contrACTion meaning "Christ's mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles theGREek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.
圣诞节的由来英文中文 简短一点
December 25 is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as Christmas. Westerners with red, green and white color for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Exist side by side is red and white Santa Claus, he is the most popular figures in the Christmas activities. Western children go to bed on Christmas Eve, prior to the pillow next to the fireplace or put a sock in their sleep after waiting for Santa Claus to present on the socks.
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