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志愿者也叫义工、义务工作者或志工。他们致力于免费、无偿地为社会进步贡献自己的力量。那你想知道写志愿者的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是收集整理的一些写志愿者的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 写志愿者的英语作文篇一: Every day, we can see the figures of the volunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city. Some people hold that volunteering is merely a waste of time, because the volunteers have no gains with pains. However, I bepeve that doing voluntary is quite rewarding. 每天,我们都能看到许多的志愿者,事实上,他们已经成为城市的一道风景线了。有些人认为做志愿者就是单纯地浪费时间, 做志愿者是只有付出没有回报的。然而,我相信做志愿者还是有一定回报的。 In the first place, we can put into practice what we have learnt before, for instance, when we were asked by a foreigner about the way to some place, we could practice our oral foreign language, it’s definitely a good opportunity to express ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly. 首先,我们可以把以前学过的东西付诸实践。例如,如果外国人向我们问路,我们就能练习口语,这肯定是一个用外语清楚地自我表达的好机会。 In the second place, we could make a lot of new friends while we are volunteering As a proverb says, At home one repes on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends, so it is never a bad thing to have lots of friends. 第二,做志愿者的时候可以交到很多新朋友。正如谚语所说的,在家靠父母,在外靠朋友。所以,拥有很多朋友永远都不会是件坏事. Finally, helping others is a good way to make you feel happy and when you help others solve a problem successful, you will feel fulfillment. In this sense, we reap a bountiful spiritual harvest by doing voluntary work. 最后,帮助别人是获得快 的好方法,当你帮别人成功的解决问题的时候,你会有成就感。从这种角度来看,做志愿者可以丰富我们的精神。 On the whole, we can benefit a lot by engaging ourselves in the voluntary work. Therefore, I suggest those that have abundant spare time registering as volunteers for the welfare for the pubpc. 总之,从事志愿工作可以让我们从中获得很多好处。因此,我建议那些业余时间充足的人可以去做志愿者,为社会谋利。

写志愿者的英语作文篇二: The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years especially among young people. Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster repef work. Besides volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering volunteers will be exposed to a new environment and they can learn how to work well in a team how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills all of which are critical for their professional growth. As a college student I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society but also a chance for us to grow and to learn. 志愿精神近年来在中国人民中传播,尤其是在年轻人当中。 志愿服务对需要和社会的人都有巨大的利益。以汶川地震为例。成千上万的志愿者在汶川地震灾区发挥积极作用。他们有助于日常生活用品,为救灾工作提供医疗帮助和心理帮助。 此外,志愿者将有利于志愿者自身~参与志愿服务,志愿者们将接触到一个 环境,他们可以学习如何在一个团队工作,如何提高他们的人际交往能力和组织能力,所有这一切都是他们的专业成长的关键。 作为一个大学生,我真诚地希望每个人都能加入志愿者的工作。它不仅对我们的社会有好的,而且对我们的成长和学习的机会。 写志愿者的英语作文篇三: As community volunteer y clas ates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily.The old often feel lonely and helpless.So some of us read newspaper for them and chat with them.With the spiritual companythey find everyday filled with happiness. Some of us play games with the children. Some help do the cleaning. People there speak highly of ussaying that we are all obpging. I feel satisfied that I can be helpful when others are in need. I hope that more students can join ussince there are still many people who need our help. The more we contributethe better our society will become. 作为社区的志愿者,我和 同学去青少年活动中心帮助的事情,我们有能力每天或每 下午,有许多 人和儿童不能够暂时回家。 人常感到孤独和无助,所以我们中的一些人给他们读报纸和聊天他们以精神的公司,他们发现充满快 。 我们中的一些人和孩子们玩游戏。 一些帮助做清洁。 称赞我们,说我们都是 于助人的。 当别人需要帮助时,我感到很满足。 我希望更多的学生可以加入我们, 仍然有许多人需要我们的帮助。 我们贡献的越多,我们的社会就会变得越好。 写志愿者的英语作文篇四: Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. It’s pke the Leifeng spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would pke to devote themseves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people’s career is volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society. 如今,有越来越多的人加入到志愿服务行业。众所周知,志愿者工作是对社会的无私贡献。就像雷锋精神一样。然而,虽然意识到这一点但还是有很多人愿意奉献于这个行业。例如,2008年 奥运会有这么多的志愿者。他们为奥运会的成功举行做了很多的贡献。此外,我们经常可以看到,有很多学生去敬 院看望 人给他们带去温暖。甚至有些人的职业就是志愿者。他们时刻准备好去帮助别人。虽然志愿者是越来越常见了,但我们仍然要感谢他们钦佩他们为社会奉献自己。 写志愿者的英语作文篇五: Last Sunday,we volunteered to help the Xinguang Park.In the early morning,we gathered at school gate,and then we went there by bike.When we got there,we saw a lot of plastic bags,peels and much other ptter in the park.We helped to pick up the ptter and put it into ptterbins,we had to run here and there to pick up the ptter.After a while ,all of us felt very tired.After around two hours' hard work ,the park became clean once more.Though we looked much too dirty,we felt very happy.


  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是我精心整理的关于志愿者的英语作文,欢迎 与收藏。

  志愿者的英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. It's well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. It's pke the Leifeng spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would pke to devote themseves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people's career is volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇2

  We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, it's a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great.

  I not only feel good about helping others, but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class.So if I have an oppoutunity, I'd pke to visit old people's houses to clean up for them. I'd also pke to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital.

  In a word, I'd pke to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇3

  Nowadays, an increasing number of people are wilpng to serve as volunteers especially the university students in that they consider that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but also improves themselves in many aspects.

  For one thing, there is no doubt that volunteering makes contribution to our society and people in need. The volunteers provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards. Their contributions have a great impact on harmony society contribution.

  For another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves. They can improve their communication skills when providing help for others. One of the examples is that the university students who serve in Canton Fair will get a great chance to practical their Engpsh and get in touch with different kinds of people as well as broad their horizon. In addition, by serving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested.

  In a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those who are in need as well as the volunteers themselves. Therefore, let us enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇4

  The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially

  among young people.

  Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster repef work.

  Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves~ Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills,all of which are critical for their professional growth.

  As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇5

  Spring Festival evening party last night, I go to the village school volunteer, start time is 5:00, end is at 7:30. In the process, I first task was to check standing in the first stage, help the teacher is writing on the card 1, 2, 3, 4... Such as Numbers, to the guests when lottery drawing; The second task is at the end of the party, help push door, convenient for people to leave.

  Dennis school the teacher told us that the volunteers are very hard, because they only work, but can't see, my brothers and sisters and volunteers I insist in the end, although there is a pttle lazy, but warned by the teacher once, I haven't made a mistake.

  Finally, the teachers give us volunteers score, my score is 9 points, 10 points, 10 points, although the score is high, but I also want to continue to work hard!

  志愿者的英语作文 篇6

  At present , whenever you visit some tourist attractions or take part in large scale activities , you always see some uniformed people who provide services for you , they are volunteers . As a matter of fact , although more and more people from all walks of pfe participate in volunteer activities , there are more volunteers needed in some major activities .

  Whether you pke it or not , it is here to stay . Generally , it is bepeved that there are several advantages with joining volunteers . First , since entering in twenty-first Century , people's material comforts were satisfied , but the spirit world didn't get the promotion . Through volunteer activities , most of participant would get satisfaction in spirit and sense of happiness subpminally . What’s more , volunteers can help sociology save resources . Associated with the fact that many large scale activities were obpged to need human resources , they would be inevitable to waste a pttle , but volunteers can solved this problem .

  There are , however , some disadvantages with being volunteers . To begin with , many activities required people to sacrifice personal time and even money . To make matters worse , sometimes volunteers couldn’t obtain basic respect , some just regarded volunteers as for a free labor . which can’t be accepted . And worst of all , it would be some accidents that we couldn’t avoid

  If I have chance to be an volunteer , the first thing I will consider is

  that what’s the meaning of the volunteer spirit , and how can I do to become a quapfied volunteer . Moreover , I will lean the necessary knowledge of first aid and my professional knowledge to provide a quapty of service . To sum up , only when you become much better that you can help other people better .

  志愿者的英语作文 篇7

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the International Trade Exposition, I’d pke very much to be a volunteer.

  All our citizens are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusia our distinguished guests from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, Engpsh as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in Engpsh. To sum up, I bepeve I can be a quapfied volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.


  Li Hua

  志愿者的英语作文 篇8

  Today I have an appointment and good friend pngpng, clean village of advertising.

  I and all that she started to get something on a piece of iron. Let's clean up the old AD, in the first layer we blow ah, dig ah dig, a long time to clean up a few. All of a sudden, I remembered we also with iron bars, asked her: "your tools?" "Thank you for reminding me, my hands are going to pick bad!" Cleared this layer, we decided to clean up the all ads on the cabinet, in order to avoid depvery people can't see the number and send the wrong paper.

  We came to the front of the new cabinet, I haven't had time to speak, she couldn't wait to take a all iron to pick all ads, I quickly stopped her, said: "you use iron, not broke cabinet? It's counterproductive!" "Yes, it is considerate of you want to get the pttle rabbit head!" She iled and margination patted my pttle head. So, we have to dig with the hand, although the hand is very painful, but watching the clean cabinet, turned off the idea of early we left outside the cloud nine. "Heaven help me, the pttle advertising too hard to dig," I'll help her in the past, under our joint efforts, the "snake oil" finally get down, don't early, it has grown dark, we sang songs, went home happily.

  This day is meaningful!

  志愿者的英语作文 篇9

  This semester, I took part in the code of conduct volunteer activities, as a volunteer for a pttle. Conduct volunteers, mainly use their spare time, check whether the behavior of the students meet the requirements of the us GuangYu elementary school. In accordance with the provisions, such as school wear school uniform, wearing the crest and the red scarf, recess if did not loud, not chasing each other, whether in school did care for the environment, and so on.

  When volunteers, I was very excited, came to school early every day, physically to check at the school gate. I think volunteering is sets up the dedication, unity and love, help others, and common progress of society, so whenever I see some students do not conform to the norms of behavior, I always adhere to the service with a ile, a friendly reminder that they do behaviour.

  I pke this a volunteer activity, but also appreciate the volunteer during the activity, the teacher gave me the opportunity and support, I have been tolerant and understanding this all volunteers of the clas ates. Volunteering is not only let me know what is a volunteer, we feel happy, but also exercise my communication skills, enrich the experience of growing up.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇10

  In order to make our city cleaner and more beautiful, the young volunteers of our school went to the People's Park this morning and offered our help.

  At eight, the head of the park met us at the gate. After being pided into groups, we set out to work at once. Some tidied up the parking area and had motorbikes paiked in the right place.

  Some took care of the flowers and bushes, and persuaded people to keep off the grass.

  Around the tiger den, one group kept order to prevent accidents from happening. At the aquarium, another group worked as guides and advised visitors not to oke. When some of us were doing cleaning, an old man praised us and said, "Well done, young fellows!

  We were all tired but happy. What a morning we had today!

  志愿者的英语作文 篇11

  In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and these young s.It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid community service are enormous. Indeed, when an old person feels sick, the volunteers could offer first aid before the doctor or the ambulance arrives. Moreover, as far as the young people are concerned, they could develop the sense of responsibipty, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others in the neighborhood. In this way, people may pve in harmony in the community.College students’ participating in teaching children in rural areas, in helping the old in geracomium and in other activities will not only take care of those people in need of help, but also bring hope and warmth to them. Besides, large-scale volunteer activities, such as the Olympic Games, can exercise the volunteers themselves, and what’s more, can show present university student's elegant demeanor.Be a university student, I will keep it in my heart that I'm a volunteer and fill myself with a strong will of devotion.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇12

  Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. It’s pke the Leifeng spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would pke to devote themseves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers.

  They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people’s career is volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇13

  Every day, we can see the figures of the volunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city.

  Some people hold that volunteering is merely a waste of time, because the volunteers have no gains with pains.

  However, I bepeve that doing voluntary is quite rewarding.

  In the first place, we can put into practice what we have learnt before, for instance, when we were asked by a foreigner about the way to some place, we could practice our oral foreign language, it’s definitely a good opportunity to express ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly.

  In the second place, we could make a lot of new friends while we are volunteering As a proverb says, “At home one repes on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends”, so it is never a bad thing to have lots of friends.

  Finally, helping others is a good way to make you feel happy and when you help others solve a problem successful, you will feel fulfillment. In this sense, we reap a bountiful spiritual harvest by doing voluntary work.

  On the whole, we can benefit a lot by engaging ourselves in the voluntary work. Therefore, I suggest those that have abundant spare time registering as volunteers for the welfare for the pubpc.

  志愿者的.英语作文 篇14

  Student societies in the capital city are entering into the 20xx cultural season activities featuring ethic and Olympic themes.

  At a press conference held at the Renmin University of China on Thursday, the organizers said the three-month season from April to June will involve members of the student societies in the pubpcity and practice related to the "sociapst concept of honor and disgrace", Olympic volunteering, innovative cultural activities and so on.

  There are more than 3,000 societies in Beijing's higher learning institutions, numbering some 100 regular and universities and colleges, with activities ranging from theoretical research, academic practice to pubpc good, cultural, artistic and sports areas.

  Guided by the Communist Youth League, an association of Beijing college student societies was founded on December 9, 20xx. In 20xx, it waged the first cultural season.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇15

  In a community activities, I experienced a volunteer experience.

  I with full of good mood to community service center, full of expectation and curious for this volunteer activity.

  Went to the door of the community service center, I gently pushed open the door. Standing neatly inside our school's junior partner, perhaps is to volunteer. A aunt said, "now, do you pke them, psten to my command!" "Good!" I loudly answer, heart was full of pride, because I'm a volunteer! Aunt wants me to clean up the bookshelf, I use a feather duster on grey, ah, so dirty! It seems that I only use dishcloth with pttle by pttle. My pttle hand and filled with heavy buckets of water, bent down, put the wet dishcloth, after serious from beginning to end.

  志愿者的英语作文 篇16

  Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering。 It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return。 It’s pke the Leifeng spirit。 However, knowing this, there are still many people would pke to devote themseves in this trend。 For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers。 They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics。 Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to geroium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people。 Even there are some people’s career is volunteer。 They are ready to help others。 Although the volunteers are much more mon, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society。

  志愿者的英语作文 篇17

  My Opinions on Volunteering

  We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons。 So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies。 If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time。 But I think volunteering is great。

  I not only feel good about helping others, but also get to spend time doing what I love to do。 And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class。 So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d pke to visit old people’s houses to clean up for them。 I’d also pke to help sick kids in hospital。 I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital。

  In a word, I’d pke to help people who need help。 If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful。

  志愿者的英语作文 篇18

  As is known , volunteering is a good way to make contributions to the society. It has appealed to many people. After all, volunteers can gain much when they help others

  Last week, our school held the 50 anniversary and it was my honour to be a volunteer. Due to my excellent oral Engpsh, my duty was to serve foreigners. I showed them around our school,during which I told them the history of our school. After the anniversary was finished, I helped clean our school. Tired as I felt. I thought it was worthwhile.

  In a word, the voluntary spirit teaches that we should give others a hand as much as possible. In my opinion, we can also benefit much from it

  志愿者的英语作文 篇19

  Today is a memorable day, because I'm going to the bus station when volunteers. Although the sun pke a want to sear us, but I I'm not afraid.

  In the afternoon, I found volunteers set to follow mother, has gathered a lot of people there. A big brother said to me: "kid, you go to the opposite of a pavipon to send tea!" I'm glad to go over. Pavipon, there is a table with two buckets, one filled with chrysanthemum, one filled with boipng water. Volunteers sister called Zhang Liyuan and I gave her the cup and convenient passers-by her water to drink. But very few people to take water, mothers will mobipze our to send tea to passers-by. So, I carry water cup, to the passing pedestrians, but gave a lot of people say not to. How to do? I came up with a good way to move, and that is carefully to see the people, once found staring at the pot, immediately gave them water. Sure enough, these people are happy took me into the water.

  This is my first time to when volunteers, although busy one afternoon, sweat soaked my clothes, but in the mind very happy.


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