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中西文化差异英语作文小学(中西文化差异 英语作文)

导读 大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题。中西文化差异英语作文小学,中西文化差异 英语作文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、T...

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题。中西文化差异英语作文小学,中西文化差异 英语作文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、The culture differences between the East and WestAs we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America. It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children.The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of ***.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheersto our country.。



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