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1、 梦想是做一名梦想家,英语作文2、请叫我姐姐呀你看我像朵花是什么歌,请叫我姐姐歌曲介绍


Sun always rises in the place where there has a dream; moon always becomes more beatiful where there has a dream. Dream is a forever ile, something we should go in for in our lives, something that will make your soul pure.

The night of someone who doesn’t have a dream is deeply dark. When someone has a dream, with steady hard working and strong will, he will make perfect performance.

Is it not? Bamboo shoots stick to the road that he chose to become higher, he went through the difficult position in the dream at the past so that he is higher than the grass which wallows in the relax life with the wind. The all stream stike to the road that he chose to look for the sea, he said good bye to the huge rock which gave him no way to run, said goodbye to the mountains which leave him wind canyon, so that he reach the sea at last.

All above prove that dream give everything confidence, guide everything to go to the road which is full of sunlight. The dream gives everything a direction to go, and the one which has dream which prove how great and splendor the dream is.

I love dream,because when I was faced with difficulty, dream made me find the sunlight outside the windows, made me look for the beautiful rainbow. The dream will guide me to go to success


最近我在刷抖音的时候发现一首歌特别的好听,其中歌词是:请叫我姐姐呀,你看我像朵花,骄傲地做傻瓜,不害怕大雨下”,甜甜的歌声,欢快的曲调,总是能够给人带来快 ,歌曲充满了正能量。这首歌是什么歌呢?下面就一起跟着我来看看吧。

这首歌的歌名叫做《请叫我姐姐》,是由文魁编曲,邢榕作词作曲,陈松伶演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲发行于2020年6月22日。袭物我看着岁月从 手边悄悄走过,脸上总会浮现微笑,我欣赏着春夏秋冬不同的颜色,即使在困难中也记耐首得微笑,我感受着天边晚霞的浪漫,总会细数心底珍贵的回忆。


是谁在 耳边一直说笑话 是那个了不起的自己吗 她陪我成长陪我承受 黑夜的变化 陪我站在太阳底下 我不曾羡慕别人拥有的冬夏 我总是泡杯咖啡看晚霞 任裙摆吹成一幅图画 自信的步伐 面朝大海就出发 一起吗 请叫我姐姐呀 你看我像朵花 骄傲地做傻瓜 不害怕大雨下 了 有什么办法 就是你是你呀 请叫我姐姐呀 要笑得很优雅 任岁月有时差 皱纹也很融洽 不畏虚假 更独立潇洒 做自己的童话 梦想家 是谁在 耳边一直说笑话 是那个了不起的自己吗 她陪我成长陪我承受 黑夜的变化 陪我站在太阳底下 我不曾羡慕别人拥有的冬夏 我总是泡杯咖啡看晚霞 任裙摆吹成一幅图画 自信的步伐 面朝大海就出发 一起吗 请叫我姐姐呀 你看我像朵花 骄傲地做傻瓜 不害怕大雨下 了 有什么办法 就是你是你呀 请叫我姐姐呀 要笑拍亩液得很优雅 任岁月有时差 皱纹也很融洽 不畏虚假 更独立潇洒 做自己的童话 梦想家 了 有什么办法 就是你是你呀 请叫我姐姐呀 要笑得很优雅 任岁月有时差 皱纹也很融洽 不畏虚假 更独立潇洒 做自己的童话 梦想家


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