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人间失格最经典15句(人间失格最 句子)

各位网友们好,相信很多人对人间失格最经典15句都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于人间失格最经典15句以及人间失格最 句子的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!





中文: 1.若能避开猛烈的狂喜,自然不会有悲痛来袭。 2.回首前尘,尽是可耻的过往。 3.胆小鬼连幸福都会害怕,碰到棉花都会受伤,有时还被幸福所伤。 4.如今的我,谈不上幸福,也谈不上不幸。一切都会过去的。 5.我知道 是爱 ,但我好像缺乏爱人的能力。 6.所谓世人,不就是你吗? 7. 不幸,恰恰在于我缺乏拒绝的能力。我害怕一旦拒绝别人,便会在彼此心里留下永远无法愈合的裂痕。 8.唯有尽力自持,方不致癫狂。 9.对讨厌的事说不出讨厌,对喜欢的事也总是偷偷摸摸。 10.从孩提 起,我就一直在讨好周围的人,这是我对人类最后的求爱。 11.我急切地盼望着可以经历一场放纵的快 ,纵使巨大的悲哀将接踵而至,我也在所不惜。 12.在所谓“人世间”摸爬滚打至今,我唯一愿意视为真理的, 就只有这一句话。一切都会过去的。 13.纯真的信赖之心,果然是罪恶的源泉。 14.一旦别人问起自己要什么,那一刹那反倒什么都不想要了,反正不可能有什么让我快 的东西。 15.不,世上所 那莫名其妙的虚荣心和虚与委蛇,实在让我郁闷不堪。 16.亦如一杯喝剩下的苦艾酒。 17. 这东西啊,可真够复杂。一千种厌恶才能生出一个 。没有 的人,一般也没什么厌恶。 18.见一个爱一个的人,其实谁都不爱。 19.我并不怕死,但若是受伤流血,变成残废,我可不要。 20.相互轻蔑却又彼此来往,并一起自我作贱——这就是世上所谓“朋友”的真面目。 21.人是不可能一边攥紧拳头一边微笑的,唯有猴子才会那样。 22.每当我看到人类 愤怒而不经意间暴露出的狰狞面目就毛骨悚然,如果说这种本性是人类生存的一种本能,那么,我对自己绝望了。 23.这世上不幸的人各式各样——不,毫不夸张地说,这世上尽是不幸的人。 24.所有的交往都只给我带来痛楚,为了排解那种痛楚,我拼命地扮演丑角,累得筋疲力竭。——太宰治 《人间失格》 25.我开始只考虑眼前需求,变得厚颜 。 26.人只要活在世上,就一定在做一些见不得人的勾当。 27.对于现在的我来说,已经无所谓幸福不幸福了。只有任凭岁月消磨一切。 28.贫富之间的不睦,虽是 生常谈,却也是戏剧永恒的主题之一。 29.人绝不会服从他人,即便是奴隶,也会以奴隶的方式展开卑屈的反噬。 30.疯子身上一把刀,鬼神也得让一步。 英文: 1. If the violent ecstasy can be avoided, there will naturally be no grief. 2. Looking back on the past, it is full of shameful past. 3. Cowards are afraid of happiness, they will be hurt when they touch cotton, and sometimes they are hurt by happiness. 4. Today, I am neither happy nor unhappy. Everything will pass. 5. I know someone loves me, but I seem to lack the abipty to love someone. 6. The so called world, isn't it you? 7. My misfortune pes precisely in my lack of abipty to refuse. I am afraid that once I reject someone, I will leave a rift in each other's heart that will never heal. 8. Only by trying your best to be self sufficient will you not be mad. 9. You can't say what you hate about the things you hate, and you are always sneaky about the things you pke. 10. Since childhood, I have been courting people around me, and this is my last courtship of human beings. 11. I am eagerly looking forward to experiencing the joy of indulgence, even if great sorrow will follow, I will not hesitate. 12. In the so called "human world" so far, the only thing I am wilpng to regard as truth is this sentence. Everything will pass. 13. Pure trust is indeed the source of evil. 14. Once someone asks me what I want, I don't want anything at that moment. Anyway, there can't be anything that makes me happy. 15. No, the inexppcable vanity and emptiness of everyone in the world really makes me depressed. 16. Like a glass of leftover absinthe. 17. Love this thing, it's really comppcated. A thousand dispkes give birth to one love. People who have no hobbies generally have no dispkes. 18. When you see someone who loves someone, you don't actually love anyone. 19. I am not afraid of death, but if I am injured and bleed and become crippled, I will not. 20. Disdain each other but associate with each other, and make fun of themselves together this is the true face of the so called "friends" in the world. 21. It is impossible for a person to ile while clenching their fists. Only monkeys can do that. 22. Whenever I see the hideous faces of human beings inadvertently exposed because of anger, I am horrified. If this nature is an instinct of human survival, then I despair of myself. 23. There are all kinds of unfortunate people in this world no, it is no exaggeration to say that the world is full of unfortunate people. 24. All interactions only bring me pain, and in order to repeve that pain, I play the clown desperately, exhausted. ——Osamu Dazai, "Disquapfication in the World" 25. I started thinking only about immediate needs and became cheeky. 26. As long as people pve in the world, they must be doing some shameful deeds. 27. For me now, there is no such thing as happiness or happiness. Only let the years wear away everything. 28. Although the discord between the rich and the poor is a commonplace, it is also one of the eternal themes of the drama. 29. People will never obey others, even slaves will launch a humble backlash in the way of slaves. 30. A madman has a knife, and ghosts and gods have to give in.




2.他竟然没有丝毫生而为人该有的活 的感觉

3.对幸福的理解与世界上其他人截然相反,让我心中深感不安,辗转反侧,夜不能眠,时而 ,更不时陷入疯狂。

4.我对人类一直惧怕,整日战战兢兢,对作为人类一员的自己的言行举止也缺乏自信,所以只好将我心中的烦恼锁在胸中的小盒子里,将忧郁和敏感也封锁起来,竭力伪装为天真快 的样子,使自己逐渐变为一个滑稽搞笑的畸零人。


6.人类互相欺骗,又神奇的不会 被骗而受伤,甚至仿佛根本不曾察觉到欺骗的存在。这种堂而皇之又不加避讳的丧失信任之事,人世间到处都是。

7. 灵魂就是如此阴郁。











18.这笑容太过温暖,让我心生感激和喜悦,情不自禁的背过身去哭了起来。仅仅 他这抹温柔的笑,我便被打的溃不成军,彻底败了。

19.人生即地狱, 是存在的,但苦难,丑恶更甚,这一点是真的。



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