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但是,对“动词原形”构成的虚拟式,却有些陌生,也有很多不解。下面,就由小编细细为大家道来~ 用“动词原形”表示的虚拟句,就是无论主语怎么变,动词一律保持原形不变,及“以不变应万变”。

主要有以下几种情况:一、用于表示命令、决定、建议等词语之后that-分句中:1. 动词:用在decide, decree, demand, insist, move, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, vote等动词后的从句中。The teacher ordered that all the books be sent to the office. 老师命令到所有书本要送到办公室。

She insisted that she go to the south in the summer vacation. 她坚持暑假去南方。We propose that Li Hua take the chair. 我们建议李华当主席。

2. 形容词:用在advisable, appropriate, desirable, essential, fitting, imperative, important, important, possible, necessary等形容词后的从句中:It is essential that we be healthy. 我们的健康很重要。It is advisable that these regulations be abolished. 取消这些规则的说法是可行的。

It is necessary that we study English well. 我们将英语学好很必要。3. 名词:用在decision,decree, demand, instruction, order, requirement等名词后的从句中:Our teacher gives us an instruction that all the homework be done like that. 老师告诉我们所有作业都要那样做。

He gives me advice that I do the homework first. 他建议我先做家庭作业。The demand that all students stand there isn’t proper. 让学生站那儿的要求是不合理的。

注意:以上的用法均可以与“should+动词原形”和“to do”形式替换运用。如:The teacher ordered that all the books be sent to the office.=The teacher ordered that all the books should be sent to the office.=The teacher ordered all the books to be sent to the office.二、If、only等引导的从句中:If, though, whatever, lest, so long as等引导的分句,表示推测、让步、防备等含义。

If the man be found guilty, he shall have the right of appeal. 若是被发现有罪,这个男的将有申诉权。Whether she be right or wrong, she will have our unswerving support. 不管她对错与否,我们都一如既往地支持她。


God bless you! 上帝保佑!So be it. 就这样吧!但愿如此。Suffice it to say that …只需要说 …就够了。

Far be it from …远不 … Home is home, be it ever so homely. 家就是家,不管它是多么平凡。


(1) 对现在情况的虚拟


(2) 对过去情况的虚拟


(3) 对将来情况的虚拟

对将来情况的虚拟,条件句中谓语动词可用should do, were to do或动词的过去式三种形式表示,但意义略有不同。should表示的可能性最大,动词过去式的可能性次之,were to do的可能性最小。主句谓语动词用“would/should/might/could+动词原形”。

(4) 错综时间条件句


If you had taken my advice then, you wouldn’t be in trouble now.


(5) 表示“建议、命令、要求、坚决做”等动词后的宾语从句常用“(should+)动词原形

(6) wish后的宾语从句

wish后的宾语从句用一般过去时表示现在的情况,用过去完成时表示过去的情况,用would/could do表示将来的情况。

(7) would rather 后的宾语从句

would rather后的从句常用一般过去时形式,表示现在或将来的情况;用过去完成时,表示过去的情况

(8)It is/was important (necessary, appropriate, proper, right, essential, vital, etc.) that



If it were necessary, I would surely bring you there.2、要是我来做这件事,我要采用不同的方法。If I were to do this, I would use a different way.3、总统命令所有武装部队立即动员起来。

The president ordered all the armed forces (武装部队) take actions immediately.4、董事会决定任命约翰逊(Johnson)为总经理。The board of directors decided that Johnson should be appointed Manager.5、如果我是你,我会勇敢地证实这一问题。

If I were you, I would confirm this issue bravely.6、假如我身体好一些,我早就离开这里了。If I had been healthier, I would hae left here earlier.7、我非常不愿意眼看他犯错误。

I would rather not see im make mistakes.8、我多么希望我们厂装备得好一些。How I wish we could have a better equipment in the factory!9、要不是我们明天有测验,我今晚就去看电影了。

Were it not for the check-out tomorrow, I would go to the movies tonight.10、对所有申请者必须逐一面试。We must have each applicant iterviewed one by one.11、有人建议另外开一次回来讨论通货膨胀问题。

Someone suggested that we (should) hold another meeting to discuss the inflation.12、我一定要她在上海再多待一两天。I insisted that she (should) sta in Shanghai some more days.13、钢铁工人要求提高工资百分之十。

The iron workers commanded the salary should be increased by 10%.14、我赞成他们提出的关于延期讨论的动议。I approved their proposal to put off the discussion.15、我宁愿我的秘书陪我去北京。

I would rather go to Beijing with my secratary.16、已经决定让出更多的的时间用于泛读。I have made up my mind to spare more time for more extensie reading.17、没有民族独立,哪来民族自由,说这一句就够了。

Were it not for independence of the nations, there would be no freedom of the nations, it’s enough.18、如果你不听我的忠告,那就算了。That would be nothing if you wouldn’t listen to my advice.19、我们一致建议指定一位持中立立场的人主持会议。

We all suggested that a person who held a neutral should be appointed to hold the meeting.20、他似乎已经变成一个完全自私自利的人了。 He had became a person as if he were compeletely selfis.。


If he should go to Qing Hua University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上清华大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。

If he were to come here, he would tell us about it. 如果他要来的话,他会通知我们一声。If he were free, he would help us. 要是他有空的话,它会帮助我们的。

If he studied at this school, he would know you well. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,它会对你很熟悉。If I had seen the film, I would have told you about it. 我如果看过这场电影,我会把电影内容告诉你了。

If I had got there earlier, I would have met Mr. Li. 如果我早点到那儿,我就会会到了李先生。Should he agree to go there, we would send him there. 要是他答应去的话,我们就派他去。

Were she here, she would agree with us. 如果她在这儿的话,她会同意我们的。Had he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. 如果她懂一些电脑知识的话,我们会已经聘用他来这里工作了 I would have come to see you, but I was too busy. 我本该来看你了,然而我太忙了。

But for his help, we would be working now. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。

He would have finished it. 他本该完成了。You could have passed this exam. 你应该会通过这次考试了。

If I were at home now. 要是我现在在家里该多好啊。If only I had got it. 要是我得到它了该多好啊。

She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in. 她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。He started out earlier lest he should be late. 他很早就出发了以防迟到。

He goes closer to the speaker so that he can hear him clearer. 他走近说话的人以便能挺得更清楚。He read the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word. 他把信读得很仔细以便不漏掉一个单词。

We will finish it on time no matter what / whatever may happen. 不管发生什么事,我们都要按时完成。We will find him wherever / no matter where he may be. 无论他在哪里,我们都要找到他。

I will wait for him no matter how late he may come. 不管他来的多么晚,我都会等他。They began to talk warmly as if they had known each other for long. 他们开始热烈的谈论起来就好像他们已相互认识很久了。

I was astonished that he should not answer such an easy question. 我很惊讶他竟答不出如此简单的问题。Tom insisted that he hadn’t stolen the watch. 汤姆坚持说他没有偷那块手表。

His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam. 他的微笑表明他在考试中成功了。Can you imagine that he should take the first place in the long jump contest? 你能想象得到他在跳远比赛中竟获得了第一名?I wish the bus went to the university. 我希望公共汽车能通到大学。

I wish I hadn’t wasted so much money. 但愿我没浪费这么多钱。I’d rather you were here now. 我倒想你现在在这儿。

We’d rather you went here tomorrow. 我么倒想你明天去那儿。


表示与过去事实相反的情况 从句:主语+had done 主句:主语+should/would/could/might+have done 有时,虚拟条件句中,结果主句和条件从句的谓语动作若不是同时发生时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调整。

从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符。 如:If I had worked hard at school, I would be an engineer, too. 如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了smiling在这里是动名词放在介词be后面。


虚拟语气:1) If doesn’t >>> I will (in the future)2) If didn’t >>> I would (right now)3) If hadn’t >>> I would have had (in the past) 好吧,三楼这个乱七八糟的给你讲清楚些:你上面看到的,是虚拟语气的三种固定搭配。




看几个例子吧:If he didn’t kill her, she would be 18 years old now. (说她现在就会是九岁了,那么虚拟的时态就该再古老一些,变成过去式。)If he doesn’t want to kill her, I will kill her. (主句是个将来时态,那么从句就退一格,变成现代时态。)

依此类推。现在应该清楚了吧? 再多说几句,中学老师会告诉你虚拟语气是不可能发生的事情的一种讨论,别信那些狗屁逻辑。

你更应该尝试去理解老外说话的习惯,虚拟语气其实从语法上讲是很符合逻辑的一件事情。你的那个例句:If you answered “A” for most queations,then you are probably very confident.If引导这件事情是发生在过去的,当然要用过去时态。

很正常的一件事,为什么要把可能性判断拉出来迷惑大家。 要挣你这几分真不容易。



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