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A Leaf from HeavenHIGH up in THE clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower plucked from the garden of heaven. As he was kissing the flower a very little leaf fell from it and sunk down into the soft earth in the middle of a wood. It immediately took root, sprouted, and sent out shoots among the other plants.“What a ridiculous little shoot!” said one. “No one will recognize it; not even THE thistle nor the stinging-nettle.”“It must be a kind of garden plant,” said anoTHEr; and so they sneered and despised the plant as a thing from a garden.“Where are you coming?” said THE tall thistles whose leaves were all armed with thorns. “It is stupid nonsense to allow yourself to shoot out in this way; we are not here to support you.”Winter came, and THE plant was covered with snow, but the snow glittered over it as if it had sunshine beneath as well as above.When spring came, THE plant appeared in full bloom: a more beautiful object than any other plant in the forest. And now the professor of botany presented himself, one who could explain his knowledge in black and white. He examined and tested the plant, but it did not belong to his system of botany, nor could he possibly find out to what class it did belong. “It must be some degenerate species,” said he; “I do not know it, and it is not mentioned in any system.”“Not known in any system!” repeated THE thistles and the nettles.THE large trees which GREw round it saw the plant and heard the remarks, but they said not a word either good or bad, which is the wisest plan for those who are ignorant.THEre passed through the forest a poor innocent girl; her heart was pure, and her understanding increased by her faith. Her chief inheritance had been an old Bible, which she read and valued. From its pages she heard the voice of God speaking to her, and telling her to remember what was said of Joseph’s brethren when persons wished to injure her. “They imagined evil in their hearts, but God turned it to good.” If we suffer wrongfully, if we are misunderstood or despised, we must think of Him who was pure and holy, and who prayed for those who nailed Him to the cross, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”THE girl stood still before the wonderful plant, for the GREen leaves exhaled a sweet and refreshing fragrance, and the flowers glittered and sparkled in the sunshine like colored flames, and the harmony of sweet sounds lingered round them as if each concealed within itself a deep fount of melody, which thousands of years could not exhaust. With pious gratitude the girl looked upon this glorious work of God, and bent down over one of the branches, that she might examine the flower and inhale the sweet perfume. Then a light broke in on her mind, and her heart expanded. Gladly would she have plucked a flower, but she could not overcome her reluctance to break one off. She knew it would so soon fade; so she took only a single green leaf, carried it home, and laid it in her Bible, where it remained ever green, fresh, and unfading. Between the pages of the Bible it still lay when, a few weeks afterwards, that Bible was laid under the young girl’s head in her coffin. A holy calm rested on her face, as if the earthly remains bore the impress of the truth that she now stood in the presence of God.In THE forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till it GREw and became almost a tree, and all the birds of passage bowed themselves before it.“That plant is a foreigner, no doubt,” said THE thistles and the burdocks. “We can never conduct ourselves like that in this country.” And the black forest snails actually spat at the flower.THEn came the swineherd; he was collecting thistles and shrubs to burn them for the ashes. He pulled up the wonderful plant, roots and all, and placed it in his bundle. “This will be as useful as any,” he said; so the plant was carried away.Not long after, THE king of the country suffered from the deepest melancholy. He was diligent and industrious, but employment did him no good. They read deep and learned books to him, and then the lightest and most trifling that could be found, but all to no purpose. Then they applied for advice to one of the wise men of the world, and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy which would relieve and cure him, and that it was a plant of heavenly origin which GREw in the forest in the king’s own dominions. The messenger described the flower so that is appearance could not be mistaken.THEn said the swineherd, “I am afraid I carried this plant away from the forest in my bundle, and it has been burnt to ashes long ago. But I did not know any better.”“You did not know, any better! Ignorance upon ignorance indeed!”THE poor swineherd took these words to heart, for they were addressed to him; he knew not that there were others who were equally ignorant. Not even a leaf of the plant could be found. There was one, but it lay in the coffin of the dead; no one knew anything about it.THEn the king, in his melancholy, wandered out to the spot in the wood. “Here is where the plant stood,” he said; “it is a sacred place.” Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with a golden railing, and a stationed near it.THE botanical professor wrote a long treatise about the heavenly plant, and for this he was loaded with gold, which improved the position of himself and his family.And this part is really THE most pleasant part of the story. For the plant had disappeared, and the king remained as melancholy and sad as ever, but the sentry said he had always been so.I. Reference Version (参考译文)在稀薄的、清爽的空气中,有一个安琪儿拿着天上花园中的一朵花在高高地飞。当她在吻着这朵花的时候,有一小片花瓣落到树林中潮湿的地上。这花瓣马上就生了根,并且在许多别的植物中间冒出芽来。“这真是一根很滑稽的插枝。”别的植物说。蓟和荨麻都不认识它。“这一定是花园里长的一种植物!”它们说,并且还发出一声冷笑。它们认为它是花园里的一种植物而开它的玩笑。但是它跟别的植物不同;它在不停地生长;它把长枝子向四面伸开来。“你要伸到什么地方去呢?”高大的蓟说。它的每片叶子都长满了刺。“你占的地方太多!这真是岂有此理!我们可不能扶持你呀!”冬天来了;雪把植物盖住了。不过雪层上发出光,好像有太阳从底下照上来似的。在春天的时候,这棵植物开出花来;它比树林里的任何植物都要美丽。这时来了一位植物学教授。他有许多学位来说明他的身份。他对这棵植物望了一眼,检验了一番;但是他发现他的植物体系内没有这种东西。他简直没有办法把它分类。“它是一种变种!”他说。“我不认识它,它不属于任何一科!”“不属于任何一科!”蓟和荨麻说。周围的许多大树都听到了这些话。它们也看出来了,这种植物不属于它们的系统。但是它们什么话也不说——不说坏话,也不说好话。对于傻子说来,这是一种最聪明的办法。这时有一个贫苦的天真女孩子走过树林。她的心很纯洁;因为她有信心,所以她的理解力很强。她全部的财产只是一部很旧的《圣经》,不过她在每页书上都听见上帝的声音:如果有人想对你做坏事,你要记住约瑟的故事——“他们在心里想着坏事情,但是上帝把它变成最好的东西。”如果你受到委屈,被人误解或者被人侮辱,你只须记住上帝:他是一个最纯洁、最善良的人。他为那些讥笑他和把他钉上十字架的人祈祷:“天父,请原谅他们吧,他们不知道他们自己在做什么事情!”女孩子站在这棵稀奇的植物面前——它的绿叶发出甜蜜和清新的香气,它的花朵在太阳光中射出五光十色的焰火般的光彩。每朵花发出一种音乐,好像它里面有一股音乐的泉水,几千年也流不尽。女孩子怀着虔诚的心情,望着造物主的这些美丽的创造。她顺手把一根枝条拉过来,细看它上面的花朵,闻一闻这些花朵的香气。她心里轻松起来,感到一种愉快。她很想摘下一朵花,但是她不忍把它折断,因为这样花就会凋谢了。她只是摘下一片绿叶。她把它带回家来,夹在《圣经》里。叶子在这本书里永远保持新鲜,从来没有凋谢。叶子就这样藏在《圣经》里。几个星期以后,当这女孩子躺在棺材里的时候,《圣经》 就放在她的头底下。她安静的脸上露出了一种庄严的、死后的虔诚的表情,好像她的这个尘世的躯壳,就说明她现在已经是在上帝面前。但是那棵奇异的植物仍然在树林里开着花。它很快就要长成一棵树了。许多候鸟,特别是鹳鸟和燕子,都飞到这儿来,在它面前低头致敬。“这东西已经有点洋派头了!”蓟和牛蒡说。“我们这些本乡生长的植物从来没有这副样子!” 黑蜗牛实际上已经在这植物身上吐粘液了。这时有一个猪倌来了。他正在采集荨麻和蔓藤,目的是要把它们烧出一点灰来。这棵奇异的植物也被连根拔起来了,扎在一个柴捆里。“也叫它能够有点用处!”他说,同时他也就这样做了。但是这个国家的君主多少年以来一直害着很重的忧郁病。他是非常忙碌和勤俭,但是这对他的病却没有什么帮助。人们念些深奥的书给他听,或念些世上最轻松的读物给他听,但这对他的病也没有什么好处。人们请教世界上一个最聪明的人,这人派来一个信使。信使对大家说,要减轻和治好国王的病,现在只有一种药方。“在国王的领土里,有一个树林里长着一棵来自天上的植物。它的形状是如此这般,人们决不会弄错。”这儿还附带有一张关于这棵植物的图解,谁一看就可以认得出来。“它不论在冬天或夏天都是绿的。人们只须每天晚上摘下一片新鲜的叶子,把它放在国王的额上,那么国王的头脑就会变得清新,他夜间就会做一个美丽的梦,他第二天也就会有精神了。”这个说明已经是够清楚了。所有的医生和那位植物学教授都到树林里去——是的,不过这棵植物在什么地方呢?“我想我已经把它扎进柴捆里去了!”猪倌说,“它早就已经烧成灰了。别的事情我不知道!” “你不知道!”大家齐声说。“啊,愚蠢啊!愚蠢啊!你是多么伟大啊!”猪倌听到这话可能感到非常难过,因为这是专讲给他一个人听的。他们连一片叶子也没有找到。那唯一的一片叶子是藏在那个死女孩的棺材里,而这事情谁也不知道。于是国王在极度的忧郁中亲自走到树林中的那块地方去。“那棵植物曾经在这儿生长过!”他说。“这是一块神圣的地方!”于是这块地的周围就竖起了一道金栏杆。有一个哨兵日夜在这儿站岗。植物学教授写了一篇关于这棵天上植物的论文。他凭这篇论文得到了勋章。这对他说来是一件很愉快的事情,而且对于他和他的家庭也非常相称。事实上这是这整个故事最有趣的一段,因为这棵植物不见了。国王仍然是忧郁和沮丧的。“不过他一直是这样。”哨兵说。New Words and Expressions 生词和词组1. pluck v. 采,摘2. sprout v. 发芽,抽条3. sneer v. 嘲笑,讥笑4. degenerate a. 退化的,变性的5. brethren n. (古)兄弟,代指约瑟6. swineherd n. 猪倌7. melancholy n. 忧郁,意气消沉8. dominion n. 统治,领土9. sentry n. 卫兵,警卫10.treatise n. (专题)论文



1.字母q总是与u在一起,读做/kw/, 此处u不作元音。

2.字母c在字母e, y, i前读做/s/ (cent, city, cycle), 其他字母前读做/k/(cut, cap, cop)。

3.字母e, i, y之前的字母g可以读做/j/(page, giant, gym), 其中字母e, i之前的g也可以不读做/j/(get, girl, give); 其它字母之前的g读做/g/(gate, go, gust)。

4.元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u),有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母+辅音字母+元音字母的不熟悉单词(re port…rather than rep ort)。

5.字母i和y经常读做/i/(big, gym), 但是也可读做I(silent, my, type)。

6.一个英语单词用字母y而不是i的结尾(my, by)。

7.有五种情况末尾的字母e不发音。(如me, she, 和 he的短单词末尾的字母e读做e, 较长的单词末尾的e不发音)。

尾字母e不发音应该被认为是”having a job” (承担一项工作)。

7.1 bake gene time/type code cute 使他前面的元音字母发字母音。

7.2 love give blue true 使我们不要以一个v和一个u结束一个单词。

7.3 chance bodice charge allege 使g和c读软音/j/和/s/。

7.4 lit tle cas tle bot tle dab ble fid dle 避免一个音节没有一个元音字母。

7.5 are nurse raise bye ewe owe cause 这一条被Spalding女士叫做无工作尾字母e; Sanseri女士叫做老工作尾字母e, 并说前四条之外的不发音尾字母e都叫做老工作尾字母e。

7.5.1 使一个不是复数形式的单词不要以s结尾(dense而不是dens, purse不是purs, false 不是 fals)。

7.5.2 加长短的主意词(main-idea), 如awe, ewe, rye。

7.5.3 区分同音异形词的含义. 如or/ore for/fore。

7.5.4 中英语和外来语中(那里的尾字母e是要发音的)留下来的, 现在不发音. 如treatise giraffe。

8.有五种字母组合发/er/的音/, 记住下面的句子。

Her nurse first works early. 这个句子是按英语用法中的降序排列的。

另外,or在w后业可以发/er/的音. 还要记住有些词尾的ar和or也发/er/的音。如dollar, doctor。

essay paper thesis treatise这几个论文有什么意思上的区别呀

essay:较短(小品文)paper: 更多用在考试的论文上thesis:有论题的意思treatise:有论述的意思


 1. 论辩 lùnbiàn   讨论分辩  论辩有力  与之论辩(辨通“辩”)。——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》  2. 论处 lùnchǔ   判定处罚。即为某些过失犯罪犯法或犯规而加以惩罚  以违反纪律论处  3. 论敌 lùndí   西方古代学术论辩时,开始对论点提出责难的人;在争论中的对手  4. 论点 lùndiǎn   论述中的确定性意见及支持意见的理由  女士的极富有启发性的论点  5. 论调 lùndiào   议论的腔调;观点,看法  悲观论调  6. 论断 lùnduàn   断定或肯定为一种性质、属性或特性  逻辑的效用是用一个单一的实例来论断对其一切同类型事物都是真的  7. 论功行赏 lùngōng-xíngshǎng   视功劳高低进行奖赏   时论功行赏,以为驻敌之功大,退敌之功小。——《三国志·顾谭传》  8. 论及 lùnjí   专门讨论和阐述  论及一个重要问题的讲话  9. 论今说古 lùnjīn-shuōgǔ   谈论品评古今的事。形容广泛地闲谈  又能饮宴,论今说古,无有不知,多解多能,人间皆晓。——《敦煌变文集·叶净能诗》  10. 论据 lùnjù  (1)   (2) 证明论题的判断  (3) 在一个推论中,充当理由根据,以便推衍出结论的部分  他的论据显然有问题  11. 论理 lùnlǐ   讲道理;论说道理  把他找来论论理  12. 论理 lùnlǐ   逻辑  合乎论理  13. 论理 lùnlǐ   按一般常理和道理来说  论理她早可以退休了  14. 论理学 lùnlǐxué   逻辑学的旧称  15. 论难 lùnnàn   争论焦点问题  双方展开论难,毫不相让  16. 论述 lùnshù   论证阐述   一篇关于关税作用的学术性论述  17. 论说 lùnshuō   议论说明;说理(多指书面的)  论说体  18. 论说 lùnshuō  ∶按理说  论说这个会他应该参加,不知道为什么没有来?  19. 论说文 lùnshuōwén   议论与说明体裁的文章  20. 论坛 lùntán  (1) ∶对公众发表议论的地方,指报刊、座谈会等  医学论坛报  (2) ∶供公开讨论的公共集会场所  21. 论题 lùntí  (1) ∶论述者所主张并加以辩证的命题  一些经济学的论题  (2) ∶一门知识  哲学物理学…把这个论题说成是数学概率  22. 论文 lùnwén   讨论或研究某种问题的文章  学术论文  23. 论战 lùnzhàn   论争,在政治、学术上因意见不同而引起的争论  24. 论争 lùnzhēng  (1)   (2) 由于政治、学术等问题上的分歧而争论  肯塔基州同意加入合众国之前的论争和喧嚷  (3) 在讨论或辩论中的争辩或提出相对的论点  自由贸易与关税集团之间的论争  25. 论证 lùnzhèng  (1) ∶用论据证明论题的真实性  对哥白尼的假说加以论证并使之通俗化  (2) ∶根据个人的了解或理解证明  公谊会的教徒们长期以来都在论证陋习的害处  26. 论资排辈 lùnzī-páibèi   依凭工作年资深浅和辈分长幼  论资排辈的做法不时兴了  27. 论罪 lùnzuì   判罪;即根据事实或证据判定罪行


Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease就可以但是还有很多说法,请参考例句:六经辨证的内涵与外延是《伤寒论》研究的一个重要问题。The connotation and extension is a major issue in the study of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases.《伤寒论》为中医经典著作之一,被誉为“方书之祖“,但其问诊造诣多被忽视。Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease was one of the classic work of TCM and was honored as the ancestral of prescription.However, its accomplishments of the interrogation were sometimes be neglected.主症与《伤寒论》条文(35)相比没有本质区别,发现“精神倦怠”所谓经典著作,就是指《内经》,《神农本草经》,《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》。So-called classic work, is to point 《 inside through 》 , 《 the absolute being agriculture is originally the grass through 》 , 《 the typhoid theory 》 and 《 the summary of gold 匮》 .为临床上常见的重要证候;Main disease and《typhoid fever theory》clause (35)Comparing has no distinction.Find that tired spirit is an important syndrome commonly seen clinically.《伤寒论》六经病“欲解时“历来是众多伤寒医家研究的重点之一,但至今仍缺少令人满意的解释。The time of six meridians diseases tending to be cured in Shang Han Lun(Treatise on Cold Diseases)is always one of the key points for study,but up till now no satisfied explanations are made.



1776年7月4日,本宣言由第二届大陆会议(Second Continental Congress)于费城批准,这一天后成为美国独立纪念日。宣言之原件由大陆会议出席代表共同签署,并永久展示于美国华盛顿特区之国家档案与文件署当中。此独立宣言为美国最重要的立国文书之一。7月4日是决议采用宣言的日期,之后进行了印刷,议会代表们大多采用1776年8月2日签署本宣言。


独立宣言受美国共和主义精神所影响,即以之为自由权之基本架构。另外,宣言中也反映启蒙时期的哲学,包含自然律、自决、与自然神论等观点。宣言中的理想,甚至其中一些片断,直接引用英国哲学家约翰·洛克之著作,尤其是其以“文明政府之真实起源、范畴、与终结之各项专论”为题之政府二论(Second Treatise on Government)。

于其论文中,洛克拥护由受统治者成立政府之信念。洛克写道,人类拥有天赋人权。其他独立宣言所受到的影响包括阿尔杰农·西德尼之演讲与著作天助自助者(Wawrzyniec Grzymala Goslicki),以及托马斯·潘恩。据杰斐逊之理念,独立之目的为“非为寻找前此未有之新原则,或新论述……而是置事物之常理于世人眼前,以简洁之语句搏取赞同,并使之以我等受迫之立场自我判断。”


Presenter is the person standing on stage to present his talk. A Non-presenter (co-author)may works with the presenter (Author) on the paper, but the non-presenter do not stand up to give the talk. An observer is someone who did not contribute to the paper at all. But observer aware of the content of the paper, he obsevre what has been going on. Paper is one or more sheets of paper bearing writing or printing, especially:a. A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.b. A piece of written work for school; a report or theme.c. An official document, especially one establishing the identity of the bearer. Often used in the plural.Poster is a large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize something




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