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intensifies(英语单词atomosphere ambience的区别是什么)


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英语单词atomosphere ambience的区别是什么

atmosphere 主要指围绕地球的空气,即大气层,也可用来指环境气氛。ambience 指特定环境(particular environment)所创造的特殊的气氛(atmosphere)或格调(mood)。就环境气氛而言,前者是大概念,后者是包括在大概念中子概念。前者不能用后者替换,而后者可以用前者包容。例如:


  • 下面的句子只能用atmosphere


  These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities. 这些气体污染了城镇的空气。

  The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere. 《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。


  • 下面的例句中的atmosphere  和ambience 可以相互替换


  Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere (或ambience). 淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。

  There’s still an atmosphere (或ambience) of great hostility and tension in the city. 强烈的敌对和紧张气氛依然笼罩着这座城市。

  The overall ambience(换 atmosphere) of the room is cozy. 房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适


AS当 fighting 战火intensifies加剧这里应该有个逗号As fighting there intensifies ,the population caught up in the conflict is rushing to leave.这样更好理解因为AS是连词像BUT有两个动词才对


高采纳率保证准确率!5. A counter 对抗/抵消/抵制Something has to be done ____ the recent rise in unemployment.A. to counter B. to count C. to account D. to encounter6. B moderate 中庸的/稳健的The party leader is an extreme left-winger, but his deputy is more____in his views.A. modest B. moderate C. monitor D. modern12. C contact 联系/接触Friendly ____ between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.A. contests B. contents C. contacts D. concerts16. B be assigned to do sth 被安排/委派去做某事He was told that he was ____ to inquire into the cause of the accident. A. posted B. assigned C. sent D. placed19. C magnify 放大/扩大The microscope can _____the object 100 times in diameter. A. intensify B. strengthen C. magnify D. expand23. D given 介词,“倘若/假定”____good weather, our ship will reach Shanghai Monday evening.A. Provided B. Despite C. Considered D. Given28. B lift up 举起/提起I can’t you up-you’re a big boy now!A. raise B. lift C. elevate D. high5. C function 工作/运行/运作The old machine won’t ___________ properly if you don’t oil it regularly.A. affect B. effect C. function D. practice7. D break up 散开/解散The crowd started to _____________ when the night fell.A. break out B. break in C. break over D. break up9. B specific 明确的/特定的He came here for a ________ aim.A. regular B. specific C. especial D. famous10. A discipline 训练方法In learning a foreign language, various forms of practice are good __________.A. disciplines B. theories C. techniques D. skills14. A intensify 增强/加剧Sleep deprivation also magnifies alcohol’s effects on the body. A. intensifies B. weakens C. reduces D. expands17. B lengthen (时间/空间上)延长/伸长Would you please ________ your visit for a few days, stay a few days longer?A. expand B. lengthen C. stretch D. extend5. C technique 技巧/技术The doctors have developed a new __________ in heart surgery.A. technology B. technical C. technique D. technician14. C not necessarily 未必/不一定Big men are not ________ strong men; we must not suppose that men are strong merely because they are big.A. ordinarily B. commonly C. necessarily D. usually16. 此题楼主打字有误,did不可能加in的。Did the people ___________ large approve of the government policy?A. in B. at C. on D. for18. C be particular about 对...挑剔I’m not particular ____ my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear.A. in B. with C. about D. for22. B 谚语:Empty vessels make the most sound. 空桶响叮当(好吹者不实在)Empty ____ makes the most sound.A. ship B. vessel C. boat D. yacht 23. D conclusive 确凿的/令人信服的They had _____ evidence that the factory was responsible for the pollution.A. inclusive B. seclusive C. exclusive D. conclusive24. B serve in the army 服兵役The young Mr. Wang has _____ in the army for twenty years.A. serviced B. served C. maintained D. stayed25. D maintain the quality of... 维持...的品质We need to ____the quality of our goods but not increase the price.A. remain B. retain C. stay D. maintain29. D achievement 成就/成绩/功绩Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ______________.A. performance B. progress C. advancement D. achievement


intensive是形容词,意思是加强。intensify是动词,意思是强化。词性不同需要用在不用的成分和语境下,如the light is intensive和 He intensifies the amount of drug.


The free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensifies it. On the other hand, the repression, as far as possible, of all outward signs softens our emotions 前部分内容句子结构分析句子主语:The free expression(自由表达/自由表述)句子定语: by outward signs of an emotion(一个情绪外面信号/迹象)句子谓语:intensifies (加剧,增强)句子宾语:it(它)后部分内容句子结构分析句子状语(1):On the other hand (另一方面)句子状语(2):as far as possible (尽可能)句子主语:the repression, (压抑,约束,抑制,)句子定语:of all outward signs (所有外部信号/迹象)句子谓语:soften (使变软,使变轻柔,是变温和,缓解,缓和,安慰)句子宾语:our emotions (我们情绪,我们情感) 整个句子意思:由情绪外部信号/迹象所表现出来自由表达会增强我们心中情感,另一方面,由外部信号/迹象释放出来的压抑会缓解我们的情绪如果满意,请及时采纳,谢谢!


intensifiesn.(使) 增强, (使)加剧( intensify的名词复数 );v.(使) 增强, (使)加剧( intensify的第三人称单数 );强化; 增强;This intensifies the need to make the best use possible of the means we do have at our disposal.这就增强了尽可能最佳利用我们确实拥有的资金的必要性。形近词: intensifier


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