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submit(submit() 方法)


  • submit() 方法
  • submit的名词是什么
  • “submit”什么意思
  • Submit的英语释义

submit() 方法

Submit 对象代表 HTML 表单中的一个提交按钮 (submit button)。submit() 方法把表单数据提交到 Web 服务器。 在 HTML 表单中 《input type=“submit“》 标签每出现一次,一个 Submit 对象就会被创建。在表单提交之前,触发 onclick 事件句柄,并且一个句柄可以通过返回 false 来取消表单提交。


submissionn.1. 屈从;归顺;投降[U][(+to)]I shall give up my claim, in submission to your wishes.我将服从你的意愿,放弃我的要求。2. 谦恭,柔顺[U]3. 提交(物),呈递(书)[C][U]4. 【律】提交仲裁协议书[C]5. 【律】(向法官提出的)意见,看法[C][+(that)]submitKK: DJ: vt.1. 使服从,使屈服[(+to)]We’ll submit ourselves to the court’s judgments.我们将听从法庭的裁决。2. 使经受,使受到[(+to)]The metal was submitted to analysis.对该金属进行了分析。3. 提交,呈递[(+to)]He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他将城市发展建议提交市议会。4. 【律】建议,认为[Y][+(that)]I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.我认为那些条件完全不合理。I submit that more proof is needed to support the case.我认为这个案子需要更多的证据证实。vi.1. 屈从;忍受;甘受[(+to)]She refused to submit to his control.她不屈服于他的控制。



1、vt. 使服从;主张;呈递。

2、vi. 提交;服从。

读音:英 [səb’mɪt]  美 [səb’mɪt] 


1、比较级 submitted

2、最高级 submitted


1、You still need to submit the form, but to where?您仍需要提交表单,但是提交到何处?

2、They submit only the data model or a portion thereof.它们只提交数据模型或者其中的一部分。

3、Sure, like too many of us, you can wait until midnight on the last day to submit.当然,像我们中的许多人一样,你也可以到最后一天的午夜时分再提交。

4、Are you able to submit the next transaction on the transaction manager without any problem, even as the failed resource manager continues to be unavailable?即使在发生故障的资源管理器持续不可用时,您能够在事务管理器中提交下一个事务而不出现问题吗?

5、After you have a fairly good idea of the queries that you want to run, you can write programs that generate and submit the queries algorithmically, as I discuss next.在对想要运行的查询有了相当好的主意之后,您就可以编写程序根据算法来生成和提交查询,这一点我下面就会讨论到。

6、For that work item, the state is new, and you can submit it for approval, review, or verification.对于该工作项,状态是新的,而且您可以因为准许,检查或者证实来提交它。


submit_百度翻译常见释义提交英:[səbˈmɪt]美:[səbˈmɪt]v.提交,呈递(文件、建议等); 顺从; 屈服; 投降; 不得已接受; 表示; 认为; 主张; 建议; 例句:I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。


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