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1. I’m sorry to obtrude on you at such a time.


2. She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor.


3. Snipers shot at the invaders from the roof tops.


4. She makes eyes at the handsome young man.


5. The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.



1.stared at盯着看 Crusoe stared at the footprint,full of fear.克鲁索盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。

2.glare at怒目注视 The father glared at the naughty boy.父亲怒视着那个淘气的男孩。 3.look at看着,望着 As he looked at it,the goat rolled over and died.正当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了个身就死了。

4.throw at投向,掷向 We had to throw a stone at the dog.我们只好拿石头打狗。 5.rush at冲向 The soldiers stood up and rushed at the enemy.战士们站了起来,朝敌人冲去。

6.run at奔向,袭击 We’re thinking of a way to run at the gang.我们正想法去袭击那个匪帮。 7.fly at飞向,扑 The tiger flew at the hunter.老虎向猎人扑来。

8. jump at跳向,欣然接受 Don’t jump at a conclusion.切勿轻断。 Everybody jumped at the offer.每一个人都欣然接受了这一提议。

9.guess at猜,以为 I can’t even guess at what you mean.我猜不着(推测不出)你的意思。 10.laugh at 嘲笑 She me here not to be laughed at.她来这儿不是为了遭人嘲笑。

11.smile at向…微笑 The baby smiled at me so sweetly.这婴儿朝我微微一笑。 12.gasp at因……而屏息(喘气) The people gasped at the cruelty of the order.人们听到这道残酷的命令倒吸了一口凉气 13.be surprised at对……感到惊奇 We were surprised at the beautiful girl’s rudeness.我们对那位漂亮姑娘的粗鲁而感到惊奇。

14.womder at因……而诧异 He wondered at the sight of her appearance again.他因看到她再次露面而觉得诧异。 15.aim at瞄准 The twins aimed carefully at the lion.那对双胞胎都仔细地瞄准了那头狮子。

16.tear at强拉 The rich man tore at her sleeve.那位富人强拉她的袖子。 17.grab at抓住不放 He grabbed at the opportunity of going abroad.他紧紧抓住出国的机会。

18.shout at对……大声叫嚷 You needn’t shout at me.你不必对我叫嚷。 19.shoot at对……射击 He ordered her to shoot at the apple with one of her arrows.他命令她用一支箭射苹果。

20.thrust at用刀剑等向……猛刺 He drew his sword and thrust it at me.他拔剑向我刺来。 21.come at攻击 The bear came at him before he ran away.他还未来得及逃跑,熊就朝他扑来。

22.gaze at注视,凝视 What are you gazing at?你在注视什么? 23.glance at看一下,看一眼 Would you like to glance at the clock?请看一下几点钟了好吗? 24.work hard at努力学习 He is working hard at Russian.他在用功读俄文。 25.be good at善于 My father is best at drawing.我父亲最擅长于画画。

26.live at住在 He lives at 88,the East Street of the city.他住本城东大街88号。 27.arrive at到达 When did you arrive at the bus-stop?你何时到达汽车站的? 28.sell/buy at以(的价格)卖出(买进) They sell their fridges at the lowest price.他们以最低价销售电冰箱。

1. at first 首先,开始时 2. at least 至少3. at all events 无论如何4. at home 在家,无拘束5. at one stroke 一下子6. at a loss 不知怎办7. at any rate 不管怎样8. at length 详细地9. be at high tide 处于高潮期10.at our invitation 应我们的邀请11.at our request 应我们的请求12.at the news 听到这消息13.at the risk of 冒……危险14.at a great expense 以巨大费用15.at a stroke 一举16.at intervals of 每隔。


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